Making the Case for Biophilic Design

With expectations for both public and private education outcomes increasing over the past 20 years, we have seen a wave of reform resulting in heightened standards. Academic achievement pressure has never been higher for students, teachers and administrators.

Bringing the Outdoors In for a Positive and Productive Learning Experience

Biophilia, an inherent human inclination to seek connections with and to be influenced by natural life, embodies the critical element in human physical and mental health and well-being. Biophilic design principles seek to create built environments that advance and support student wellness and performance. The idea is to create students’ access to nature be it direct, indirect, or created to reap positive outcomes.

Current research and empirical evidence support the measurable, positive impacts of incorporating biophilic concepts in the classroom and raising its priority level within architectural design strategies. Learn more how introducing biophilic design principles from the earliest planning stages for built educational environments helps to improve student and teacher experiences, supports higher student achievement, and provides school districts opportunities to interconnect budget resources with positive student outcomes. Download Incorporating Biophilic Design Principles in Built Education Environments

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