
LIVING LARGE IN SMALL SPACES: Interior Design Strategies for Smaller Homes

collage of ideas for small spaces Tiny living is having its day, with more people than ever taking on the challenge of living small or at least paring back to focus on the essentials in small spaces.  By now most of us are at least somewhat familiar with Marie Kondo’s recommendations for getting rid of items that no longer “spark joy.”   Even thrift stores are feeling the effects of her books and Netflix series with donations trending up from previous years. Continue reading

STORAGE STYLE: Big Ideas for Small Spaces

storage-solutions-cover-graphic Since our team works with a lot of senior living communities and college campuses, we are frequently challenged to provide design solutions to make individual residences “live larger” than they really are. Incorporating ample storage is critical to achieving this goal. Finding the right storage solutions is particularly of interest this time of the year when many of us strive to declutter living spaces in our homes.  There are so many options out there, it can sometimes be overwhelming, but here are a few guidelines we have developed for these critical functional spaces. Continue reading